GNU package GaMa is a C++ free software for geodesy released under GNU General Public Licence. Project GaMa was started in 1998, in 2001 was dubbed a GNU packaqe and today contains the following main components: [gamalib] C++ class library for handling geodetic observations (measurements) and points (coordinates), computation of approximate coordinates (needed for linearization) and adjustment of local geodetic networks in 3d. C API to essential gamalib C++ classes and functions is also available. Numerical solution of adjustment is based on orthogonal decomposition of the design matrix (ie without "normal equations"); currently supported algorithms are SVD and GSO (an algorithm based on Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation). Adjustment on ellipsoid is developed in gama unstable version. [program gama-local] C++ program for adjustment of local geodetic network based on gamalib; format of input data is defined in XML. [gmatvec] C++ matrix/vector template classes used in adjustment computations in gamalib. [rocinante] is a GUI for GNU GaMa based on Qt graphical library that is available for GNU/Linux under GNU GPL. Rocinante binaries are also available for win32 platform; see for more information. More information on GNU GaMa can be found at